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Formerly Moody’s RMS

Many thousands of events around the world have marked Women’s History Month during March, to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Women’s History Month, together with International Women’s Day (IWD) held on March 8, also acts as a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

IWD can trace its origins back to 1911, where one million women and men attended IWD rallies campaigning for women’s rights to work, vote, be trained, to hold public office and end discrimination. The history is rich and shows how far societies have moved towards equality between men and women.

We are exceptionally proud of all our employees here at RMS, with a culture that is open, transparent and values and nurtures talent. Our leadership team has great women (and great men…!) and for Women’s History Month, we asked six of our leaders to share their experience and wisdom. The question was this: Looking back, what work advice they would give to their younger selves? We thought that these responses were too good not to share.

So, as Women’s History Month comes to a close, we all hope these inspirational nuggets of wisdom from Vidhi, Renee, Olga, Bisayo, Maria and Chernell provide some good advice for the women leaders of the future. We wish them, and everyone, continued success.

RMS Celebrates Exceptional Women
From left to right: Vidhi Joshi; Renee Lee; Olga Convey; Bisayo Atolagbe; Maria Lomelo; Chernell Campbell

VIDHI JOSHI – Senior Director, People Team

“Be authentic and embrace your uniqueness. Your skills, emotions, values and energy are different than others; they define you and add tremendous value to your workplace.”

RENEE LEE – Senior Director, Product Management

“Find good mentors, people who will support your development and open doors for you as you build your career. You’ll have nothing to regret if you follow your bliss and give it your all.”

OLGA CONVEY – Senior Vice President, Development

“Trust yourself and be real. Trust your process, your skills, your past experiences and apply everything you can. You already know how to make the current experience even greater.”

BISAYO ATOLAGBE – Director, Program Management

“Enjoy the journey, as growth mostly stems from personal experience. Sometimes there’s a desire to skip through the process, however, a fall comes much faster when you are ill-prepared for the next level. Also, have fun, let loose!”

MARIA LOMELO – Director, LifeRisks

“Step out of your comfort zone. Put yourself in uncomfortable situations to force yourself to grow.”

CHERNELL CAMPBELL – Manager, Client Success

“Don’t be afraid to go after what you want aggressively. Develop a personal network of trusted advisors to help inform your decisions and guide your development.”

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Jennifer Hedding
Jennifer Hedding
Chief People Officer

Jennifer joined RMS in 2019 as Chief People Officer and brings more than two decades of global human resources leadership, driving growth and transformation at some of the world’s most recognized brands, including Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Yahoo, Salesforce, and Apple.

Prior to joining RMS, Jennifer was Chief People Officer at Roblox, a global gaming platform with over 100 million monthly users. While at Roblox, she helped the company double its head count and become recognized as a “Great Place to Work.” Before that, Jennifer was Senior Vice President of Human Resources at Hewlett Packard Enterprise where she led strategic HR programs in support of the services and software unit spin/merge transactions, resulting in the creation of two new public companies. At Yahoo, Jennifer led global HR for its go-to-market, Yahoo Japan, and global functions, and she was also responsible for regional oversight of the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia-Pacific.

At RMS, Jennifer is responsible for leading the people strategy and operations to ensure that the employee experience enables teams to succeed, individuals to grow their careers, and all RMSers to contribute in a meaningful way. She holds a bachelor’s degree in science from California State University, Northridge.

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