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Insurance Solutions

Formerly Moody’s RMS

Dynamic Risk

For nearly 20 years, Moody's RMS terrorism models have been updated regularly to reflect the latest threat landscape. The models enable application of various reinsurance programs and TRIPRA.

Probabilistic Modeling

Gain a complete view of risk with a comprehensive solution that provides a full range of possible attacks of varying severity and likelihood.

Manage Accumulations

Evaluate exposure concentrations within your book using a database of global terrorist targets and accumulation tools. 

Support Reporting

Produce losses and results necessary for Lloyd’s RDS, rating agencies such as AM Best SRQ, and government reporting including US TRIP data call.

Clear Insight

Obtain a clear competitive advantage in risk selection, risk transfer, and capital management. Covers property (including business interruption) and human exposures.

Moody's RMS Spider Accumulation

Identify global concentration hot spots and accurately evaluate accumulations that can generate unexpected losses.

Risk Outlooks

Model different levels of threat assessments to quantify sensitivity of losses due to a heightened or reduced threat each year. 

Multiple Attack Modes

Over 30 attack modes including multiple magnitudes of conventional and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) attack modes.

Extensive Target Database

Nearly 10,000 high-likelihood targets across 18 countries are frequently updated and used as the basis for stochastic scenarios.


Related Products

Terrorism Scenario Model

Assess the severity of terrorist attacks to quantify the risk from a range of terrorism "what-if" scenarios, and identify hot spots that could generate the largest losses.

Probabilistic Terrorism Model

Complete probabilistic model based on a data-driven view of the macro-terrorism threat and assessment of frequency, synchronous attacks, and terrorist attack preferences, for global terrorism risk.  

U.S. Terrorism IED/ILC

An industry exposure database (IED) and industry loss curves (ILC) quantify the macro-terrorism risk in the United States for the commercial property and workers’ compensation insurance market.

Beyond Terrorism

(Re)insurers that offer affirmative terrorism coverage or are otherwise exposed to terrorism may be interested in a number of other Moody's RMS solutions to help gain a more complete view of risk.

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