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Insurance Solutions

Formerly Moody’s RMS

If you have already registered for the all-virtual Exceedance® 2022 (May 17–18) we are looking forward to welcoming you to our event. If you haven’t yet secured your place, there is still time to register for complimentary access to join one of the biggest events for the global risk community.

As always with Exceedance, we are looking to address the biggest issues that the risk community faces – encompassing both an evolving industry and an evolving risk landscape. We will look at the risks, but also the opportunities that lie ahead.

If you’ve attended Exceedance before, you will know that we deliver a forum where RMS experts, industry leaders, and your peers and colleagues explore new solutions, evolving trends, and the latest data-driven approaches.

And this year, RMS and Moody’s Analytics together will showcase a world of opportunity and how we can deliver even greater value through a robust, integrated portfolio of products and solutions. The results are deeper, more sophisticated risk insights that will help your business stay ahead of today’s challenges and mitigate future risks.

New Solutions for New Challenges

Throughout the two days of the all-virtual Exceedance, we will be delivering thought-provoking keynotes direct to your browser. Mike Steel, general manager of RMS will be in conversation with Rob Fauber, CEO and president of Moody’s, discussing how RMS and Moody’s are best positioned to help customers navigate all the challenges they are facing today and in the future.

Karen White, RMS CEO, looks at the current and future risk landscape – and how RMS solutions have evolved in response – to address emerging perils and take advantage of technological advances. Cihan Biyikoglu, RMS executive vice president, product, and Moe Khosravy, RMS executive vice president, software and platform, will present a product showcase, which should not be missed.

Climate Change: Number One Concern

In our conversations with clients and the market, we understand the challenges presented by climate change are a major concern for the risk community – as it is for everyone around the globe. Climate change is a focus area for our experts and keynote presentations.

We are delighted to welcome Mark Carney, former governor of the Bank of England and the Bank of Canada. In his fascinating keynote entitled “The Value of the Global Climate,” Carney argues that the roots of our environmental emergency lie in a deeper crisis of values, and he asks how can we create an ecosystem in which society’s values broaden the market’s conceptions of value.

Carney challenges that threats currently posed by climate change will pale in comparison to what might come in the form of political and financial instability, food and water insecurity, and effects on property and migration. He throws down the gauntlet to the risk community and discusses how the financial sector can consider the physical, liability, and transition risks that climate change poses for our current system while sharing what might be done to mitigate them.

Robert Muir-Wood, RMS chief research officer, has been active in the climate change debate for many years, and in his keynote he reminds us that through shifts in extremes, climate change is already starting to bite. He looks at the catastrophes of the past five years to discern the signature of climate change, in particular through the use of attribution exercises, rerunning climate with and without the rise in greenhouse gases.

Muir-Wood argues that insurance will be left to cover the residual risk once adaptation has been balanced against expanded attribution, and he discusses the challenge for catastrophe modeling to define today’s risk from an ocean and atmosphere that has embarked on change.

In his keynote, Mohsen Rahnama, RMS chief risk modeling officer, will examine how climate change has accelerated in recent years – and will surface even more across connected risks. He reminds us that inaction to manage the risk of climate change will have massive consequences, which will be harder to mitigate and become more costly with each passing year, and how holistic and global climate change solutions can help manage the future risks.     

Seven Content Tracks to Make Your Time Count

And there is more, much more. Exceedance has seven content tracks with over 50 informative sessions, all designed to make your time at this virtual event as productive as possible. From uncovering key insights with industry experts to exploring RMS and Moody’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and climate capabilities, the tracks and sessions at Exceedance are an exceptional resource.

Join us from the comfort of your internet browser wherever you are in the world for Exceedance 2022, and take advantage of accessing all event content on-demand whenever suits you.

Don’t miss out – register for Exceedance 2022 now.

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Kym Rupp
Director of Global Events, RMS

Kym focuses on the conception, management and execution of Exceedance. She has been with RMS for over 4 years and continues to grow and increase the impact of RMS events (Live and Virtual) for RMS clients and prospects.

As an important part of the marketing team, Kym and her amazing team continue to use their successful event management background to drive engagement, awareness and client experiences.

A California native, Kym is based in the RMS Silicon Valley Office.

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