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Insurance Solutions

Formerly Moody’s RMS

Just How Unlucky Was Britain to Suffer Desmond, ...
Maurizio Savina
Maurizio Savina January 14, 2016

Usually, it’s natural disasters occurring elsewhere in the world that make headlines in Britain, not the other way around. But you’d have to…

Can Flood Walls Reduce Resilience?
Robert Muir-Wood
Robert Muir-Wood January 10, 2016

In early December 2015 Storm Desmond hit, bringing an “atmospheric river” to the northwest of England with its headwaters snaking back to the…

Are (Re)insurers Really Able To Plan For That Ra...
Laurent Marescot
Laurent Marescot November 16, 2015

Many (re)insurers may be taken aback by the level of claims arising from floods in the French Riviera on October 3, 2015. The reason? A large…

South Carolina Floods: The Science Behind the Ev...
Jeff Waters
Jeff Waters October 08, 2015

South Carolina recently experienced one of the most widespread and intense multi-day rain events in the history of the Southeast, leaving the…

Coastal Flood: Rising Risk in New Orleans and Be...
Paul Wilson
Paul Wilson August 20, 2015

As we come up on the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, a lot of the focus is on New Orleans. But while New Orleans is far from being…

New Storms, New Insights: Two Years After Hurric...
Jeff Waters
Jeff Waters October 29, 2014

When people think about the power of hurricanes, they imagine strong winds and flying debris. Wind damage will always result from hurricanes,…

nighttime city

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