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Insurance Solutions

Formerly Moody’s RMS

RMS 2021 Catastrophe Review: The Year of the Sco...
James Cosgrove
James Cosgrove March 22, 2022

There is a well-known mantra in the insurance industry that “it only takes one” – one catastrophic event to make a memorable impact. Many past…

U.S. Wildfire: Calculating the Value of Mitigati...
Michael Young
Michael Young March 16, 2022

The hallmarks of climate change – such as prolonged drought, record high temperatures, or even increased rainfall – have helped accelerate…

RMS Expands Climate Change Model Suite to Includ...
Joss Matthewman
Joss Matthewman March 10, 2022

Just under a year ago, RMS® announced the first RMS Climate Change Models for North Atlantic hurricane, Europe flood, and Europe windstorm.…

RMS ExposureIQ: Award-Winning Application for Ex...
Shaheen Razzaq
Shaheen Razzaq February 25, 2022

On behalf of RMS®, I am delighted to accept the Risk Innovation of the Year award from InsuranceERM. What is so encouraging is that the judges…

RMS Launches New Probabilistic Flood Models to S...
Daniel Bernet
Daniel Bernet February 25, 2022

The floods that severely impacted Malaysia and Indonesia between mid-December 2021 and mid-January 2022 remind insurers of the need to better…

How Poor Data Fidelity Erodes Trust in Model Val...
Evan Cropper
Evan Cropper February 18, 2022

From client feedback, it is clear there is no one-size-fits-all approach to risk model validation and the associated processes involved to…

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