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Insurance Solutions

Formerly Moody’s RMS

Five Ways Catastrophe Risk Modeling Will Help th...
Robert Muir-Wood
Robert Muir-Wood October 19, 2021

Goal number one for the upcoming COP26 conference in Glasgow, Scotland, is to secure global net-zero carbon emissions by mid-century and keep…

2021 North Atlantic Hurricane Season Half-Time R...
James Cosgrove , Chandler Pruett
James Cosgrove , Chandler Pruett September 29, 2021

With a few weeks passed since the climatological peak of the 2021 North Atlantic hurricane season on September 10, it’s a good time to review…

Modeling the Perfect Storm: How Antecedent Condi...
Firas Saleh
Firas Saleh September 29, 2021

What material difference do antecedent hydrologic conditions make to the severity and losses from flood events? During my recent RMS® Season…

Cyber Solutions 5.2: Gain Faster Insights Today,...
Matt Harrison
Matt Harrison September 20, 2021

The global cyber risk insurance market is growing and evolving fast. According to Munich Re, the market is predicted to hit US$20 billion in…

Twenty Years Since 9/11: Living With an Ever-Pre...
Shruti Deshmukh
Shruti Deshmukh September 10, 2021

It was 8:46 a.m. local time on September 11, 2001, when a hijacked American Airlines Boeing 767 was flown directly into the North Tower of the…

Four Influences on the FEMA 1 Percent Probabilit...
Robert Muir-Wood
Robert Muir-Wood September 09, 2021

Where did the 1 percent probability flood line (100-year flood), the baseline metric for the U.S. flood insurance market, originate from? Why…

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