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Insurance Solutions

Formerly Moody’s RMS

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Clues on the Coronavirus Contagion
Gordan Woo pic
Gordon Woo January 27, 2020

Epidemiologists are disease detectives. The investigative insights of a forensic epidemiologist are exemplified by Sherlock Holmes, whose…

How Did the Global Risk Report Become Existential?
Robert Muir-Wood
Robert Muir-Wood January 24, 2020

With each new edition – and this year’s edition is the fifteenth, inevitably, one first turns to the opening page of the report, to discover…

Risk Modeling for the Future
Robert Muir-Wood
Robert Muir-Wood January 23, 2020

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has celebrated its 50th year at its annual meeting in Davos. Increasingly the business/political nexus has…

2018 USGS Hazard Map Updates: Is RMS Revising th...
Emel Seyhan
Emel Seyhan January 21, 2020

In March 2018, RMS hosted the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) workshop at our Newark headquarters in California to discuss the interim updates…

Risk Maturity Benchmarking: Riding the Wave of C...
Simon Shreeve
Simon Shreeve January 16, 2020

Helping clients through the evolution of catastrophe modeling is a core mission for RMS Consulting. To assist in the process we have developed…

Risk Maturity Benchmarking Example: IRB Brasil Re
Simon Shreeve
Simon Shreeve January 16, 2020

In our previous blog post, we reviewed how RMS has developed Risk Maturity Benchmarking, a tool to help clients understand their current…

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