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Insurance Solutions

Formerly Moody’s RMS

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Disaster Risk Reduction: Avoiding the Inevitable
Nicola Howe
Nicola Howe April 17, 2019

While natural hazards are inevitable, their impact on any given community is not. This is the thrust of the #NoNaturalDisasters campaign.…

Spring into Action: U.S. Severe Convective Storm...
Christopher Allen
Christopher Allen April 17, 2019

Last weekend (April 13-14) marked the first major U.S. severe convective storm (SCS) outbreak of 2019. Drawing energy from warm, humid air…

Cricket Balls from the Sky: Twenty-Year Retrospe...
Michael Drayton
Michael Drayton April 15, 2019

Still ranked within the top three largest insured loss events in Australia’s history, it has now been twenty years since a hailstorm shattered…

From Farmer to Finance Minister
Kamile Rudaviciute
Kamile Rudaviciute November 20, 2018

When I was still a teenager – summer brave, full of sport, hot and bold – I hitchhiked from Lithuania to Armenia and back again. Outbound via…

“We Can’t Control the Catastrophic Events. But W...
Rajesh Narayan
Rajesh Narayan October 24, 2018

Join our upcoming webinar and learn about risk modeling best practices from RMS Analytical Services Standard and Poors (S&P) has been…

U.S. Severe Convective Storm Claims Going Throug...
Stephen Cusack
Stephen Cusack August 03, 2018

During the development of the current RMS U.S. Severe Convective Storm (SCS) model, we found that claims for U.S. Personal lines were growing…

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