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Insurance Solutions

Formerly Moody’s RMS

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Lessons Hidden In A Quiet Windstorm Season
Adrian Mark
Adrian Mark January 15, 2015

Wind gusts in excess of 100mph hit remote parts of Scotland earlier this month as a strong jet stream brought windstorms Elon and Felix to…

Location, Location, Location: What Makes a Winds...
Laurent Marescot
Laurent Marescot December 04, 2014

While wind speed can indicate a storm’s damageability, two storms with similar peak wind speeds can cause vastly different levels of damage if…

What to expect this 2014-2015 Europe Winter Wind...
Adrian Mark
Adrian Mark November 04, 2014

When it rains in Sulawesi it blows a gale in Surrey, some 12,000 miles away? While these occurrences may sound distinct and uncorrelated, the…

Matching Modeled Loss Against Historic Loss in E...
Laurent Marescot
Laurent Marescot September 24, 2014

To be Solvency II compliant, re/insurers must validate the models they use, which can include comparisons to historical loss experience. In…

Lessons Learned from Winter Windstorm Season in ...
Laurent Marescot
Laurent Marescot June 17, 2014

The 2013–2014 winter windstorm season in Europe will be remembered for being particularly active, bringing persistent unsettled weather to the…

When Did Windstorms Become So Wet?
Adrian Mark
Adrian Mark February 10, 2014

Looking back to the start of the European windstorm season, my colleague Brian Owens pondered whether the insurance industry would experience …

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