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On Monday, February 6, southern Turkey was struck by an earthquake of moment magnitude Mw7.8 east of Nurdagi, triggering a strong earthquake sequence, including an Mw6.7 earthquake in the same area just 11 minutes later. An earthquake of moment magnitude Mw7.5 then struck south-southeast of Ekinözü later that same day.
The earthquakes caused widespread and severe damage across Turkey and northern Syria, with shaking felt as far away as Lebanon, Cyprus, Israel, and Palestine. Satellite images show unprecedented destruction across the affected areas, with over 41,000 buildings across Turkey collapsed or heavily damaged, and over 40,000 fatalities and 94,000 injuries reported so far.
During this webinar, we will examine these events to better understand why the Turkey earthquakes were so destructive.
Join us on Thursday 23 February to learn more about the Southern Turkey Earthquake sequence. You can expect:
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