Quantifying Rare Events
Earthquakes generate tsunami waves typically through large-scale deformations of the ocean floor and can cause devastating impacts to coastal communities.
Mega-Thrust Events
Subduction zone earthquakes (M8.5+) can create devastating basin-wide tsunami events, which require a keen understanding of exposure accumulations and portfolio stress testing.
Locally High Hazard
Moody's RMS tsunami solutions focus on the exposures at highest risk to large mega-thrust events including the Pacific Northwest (U.S. and Canada) as well as coastlines in Japan and New Zealand.
Correlated Losses
Moody's RMS models have correlated event sets to consider the impacts of earthquakes and their resulting tsunami together on ground-up and gross losses.
Comprehensive Tsunami Modeling
Moody's RMS modeling follows the entire tsunami life cycle from ocean floor deformation and tsunami generation through wave propagation to coastal inundation.
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Moody's RMS Japan Earthquake and Tsunami HD Model
The Moody's RMS® Japan Earthquake and Tsunami HD Model incorporates key research advances from the 2017 Japan Seismic Hazard Maps and lessons learned from the 2011 Great East Japan (Tōhoku) Earthquake Tsunami and 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake. Leveraging detailed damage statistics and claims data from recent events, the model assesses building performance due to ground shaking, tsunami inundation, fire following earthquake, liquefaction, and landslides. Together with interruption losses, it provides a comprehensive solution for managing and differentiating earthquake risk in Japan.
The Storm Surge and the Tsunami
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How to Maintain Awareness of Tsunami Risk
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A Look Back at the 2011 Great East Japan (Tohoku) Earthqua...
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Manage Your Tsunami Risk