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Outperform in the P&C Industry

Compare your risk management performance using historical data from our Outperform study. Quantify the impact of increasing your investment in Enterprise Risk Management with RMS using our analysis validated by Oxford Economics. And see how intelligent risk management solutions could help you outperform your peers. Input your data to see where you rank.

Improve Your Analytics, Expand Your Potential

Get a copy of your individualized results and the original study, “Outperforming in the P&C Industry—Quantifying the Value of Enterprise Risk Management.”
  • 1

    Loss Reduction
  • 2

    Cat Loss Ratio
  • 3

    Return on Equity
  • 4

Measure your performance.

Knowledge is power. With RMS analytics, you have the insights to better manage losses and reduce volatility.

Enter your net earned premium to see how models, data, and analytics could have transformed your company’s performance.

Discover your potential to outperform.

Our robust risk analytics inform pricing and underwriting to better reflect risk, helping reduce catastrophic loss ratios and maximize your operating performance.

Enter your Cat Loss Ratio for the following years to see how your business compared to some of your top performing peers.

  • 2015

  • 2016

  • 2017

  • 2018

  • 2019

Compare your historical return reliability.

Analytics give you the insights to better understand risk which leads to more appropriate pricing and risk selection. Increase return stability, even during prolonged catastrophes. And make the most out of capital investments.

Enter your Return on Equity for the following years to see how your business compares to some of your top performing peers.

  • 2015

  • 2016

  • 2017

  • 2018

  • 2019

Explore the broader impact of RMS analytics. Outperform with advanced insights.

Across key business metrics, analytics deliver real advantage. This report shows how robust analytics can provide your organization measurable business impact.

Loss Reduction Potential

Loss Reduction Potential

Projected loss reduction potential from applying advanced analytics.

No Data Copy
The calculator uses the 2015 – 2019 timeframe as a representative mix of global catastrophic events. These savings are based on the average annual performance differentials across the two cohorts of companies in this study. These savings are not based on portfolio-specific attributes such as line of business or geographic diversification.

Comparative Cat Loss Ratio

Comparative Cat Loss Ratio

Cat Loss Ratio for your company compared to peers using RMS analytics.

em Your Company
em *Peer Group
The calculator uses the 2015 – 2019 timeframe as a representative mix of global catastrophic events. Peer group = A cohort of companies in the RMS study validated by Oxford Economics, who were increasing their engagement with RMS data, models and analytics.

Comparative Return on Equity

Comparative Return on Equity

Return on Equity for your company compared to peers using RMS analytics.

em Your Company
em *Peer Group
Get a copy of your results. In addition, you can also schedule a call with one of our experts to review your results and discuss more recent events.
dotted pattern
The calculator uses the 2015 – 2019 timeframe as a representative mix of global catastrophic events. These savings are based on the average annual performance differentials across the two cohorts of companies in this study. These savings are not based on portfolio-specific attributes such as line of business or geographic diversification. The calculator uses the 2015 – 2019 timeframe as a representative mix of global catastrophic events. Peer group = A cohort of companies in the RMS study validated by Oxford Economics, who were increasing their engagement with RMS data, models and analytics.

Your Results

Please provide your contact information and we will email your report result and the study. Indicate in the comments, if you would like an RMS expert to contact you to discuss your results.