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Formerly Moody’s RMS

Data Engineering for Risk Analytics with Risk Da...
Cihan Biyikoglu
Cihan Biyikoglu December 10, 2019

What Is Risk Analytics? The picture below on the left shows the extensive flooding at industrial parks north of Bangkok, Thailand. Western…

Nine Years After Darfield: When an Earthquake Dr...
Delphine Fitzenz
Delphine Fitzenz December 05, 2019

The Source Model The 2010 M7.1 Darfield earthquake in New Zealand started a sequence of events that propagated eastward in the Canterbury…

Nine Years After Darfield: When an Earthquake Dr...
Tim Ancheta
Tim Ancheta December 05, 2019

The Liquefaction Model The 2010 M7.1 Darfield earthquake in New Zealand started a sequence of events – the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence (…

The Unrehabilitated Terrorist
Gordan Woo pic
Gordon Woo December 02, 2019

A few hundred yards from where Stephen Hawking first explored black holes from his wheelchair, is the Institute of Criminology at the…

How to Deliver Sea Level Data
Robert Muir-Wood
Robert Muir-Wood November 27, 2019

Global sea levels are rising. After two thousand years of stability, the transition to continuous coastal change will be jarring (although…

Venice in Peril
Robert Muir-Wood
Robert Muir-Wood November 21, 2019

The first time I noticed the coincidence I assumed there had been a mistake. The most-costly flooding in modern Italian history inundated the…

nighttime city

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