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Formerly Moody’s RMS

Forecasts Point to Very Active 2024 North Atlant...
James Cosgrove
James Cosgrove June 25, 2024

There is a strong consensus for an above-average 2024 North Atlantic hurricane season according to the latest seasonal tropical cyclone…

Warmest Year; Warmest Months: Climate Change and...
Robert Muir-Wood
Robert Muir-Wood March 18, 2024

According to the compilation of worldwide temperatures, 2023 was the warmest year on record, and the warmest year at least since the last…

From Idalia to Otis: The Hurricanes That Shaped ...
Julie Serakos
Julie Serakos March 05, 2024

We recently brought together thought leaders from across Moody’s to talk with the media at our 2023 Hurricane Season Recap and 2024 Outlook…

2023 North Atlantic Hurricane Season: A Tug of W...
James Cosgrove
James Cosgrove June 22, 2023

June 1 heralded the official start of the 2023 North Atlantic hurricane season and with Tropical Storm Arlene and Bret already on the board,…

Persistent La Niña Conditions Aggravate Drought-...
Navin Peiris , Sharon Gourdji , Ashutosh Pandey
Navin Peiris , Sharon Gourdji , Ashutosh Pandey November 21, 2022

Southern Brazil was impacted by drought conditions during the 2021–22 growing season, which resulted in harvest failures for major cash crops…

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