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Insurance Solutions

Formerly Moody’s RMS

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European Floods and the Relationship with the No...
Stefano Zanardo Ludovico Nicotina Arno G.J. Hilberts Stephen P. Jewson March 27, 2019

Stefano Zanardo, Principal Modeler, RMS Ludovico Nicotina, Senior Director – Modeling, RMS Arno Hilberts, Vice President, Model Development…

Exceedance 2019: Expanding Your Horizons
Kym Rupp March 25, 2019

Regular attendees to the annual RMS Exceedance conference will know how comprehensive our agenda is, in terms of the sheer breadth of topics…

European Windstorm: The Name Game
Tanja Dallafior
Tanja Dallafior Michèle Lai Tom Sabbatelli March 22, 2019

Tanja Dallafior – Modeler, Event Response, RMS Michèle Lai – Product Manager, Model Product Management, RMS Tom Sabbatelli – Manager – Event…

The Age of Innocence
Robert Muir-Wood
Robert Muir-Wood March 21, 2019

Professor Ilan Noy holds a unique ”Chair in the Economics of Disasters” at the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He has proposed…

Comprehending America’s Far Right Terror Groups
Weimeng Yeo
Weimeng Yeo March 19, 2019

A surge in right wing populism, rooted by the effects of globalization has energized a series of extreme right political movements across the…

Impact Trek 2019: Destination Philippines
James Cosgrove
James Cosgrove March 18, 2019

Many of us in the catastrophe risk management industry actively help communities in need after natural disasters – through donations, working…

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