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Disasters Without Borders
On November 24 and 25, 2015 the first Scientific Symposium was held in London to discuss science for policy and operations for the new “…
Tianjin Is a Wake-Up Call for The Marine Industry
“Unacceptable” “Poor” “Failed” Such was the assessment of Ed Noonan, Chairman and CEO of Validus Holdings, on the state of marine cargo…
Are (Re)insurers Really Able To Plan For That Ra...
Many (re)insurers may be taken aback by the level of claims arising from floods in the French Riviera on October 3, 2015. The reason? A large…
The Paris Attack Explained: 7 Points
The suicide armed and bomb attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015 were unprecedented in size and scale. The attacks that killed more than 125…
European Windstorm: Such A Peculiarly Uncertain ...
Europe’s windstorm season is upon us. As always, the risk is particularly uncertain, and with Solvency II due smack in the middle of the…
Cat Bond Pricing: Calculating the True Rewards
Commentary in the specialist insurance press has generally deemed pricing of catastrophe bonds in 2015 to have bottomed out. While true in…