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Insurance Solutions

Formerly Moody’s RMS

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Asia’s Costliest Cyclones: The Curse of September
Laura Barksby
Laura Barksby September 17, 2015

The northwest Pacific is the most active tropical cyclone basin in the world, having produced some of the most intense and costly cyclone…

Exposure Data: The Undervalued Competitive Edge
Markus Moravek
Markus Moravek September 17, 2015

High-quality catastrophe exposure data is key to a resilient and competitive insurer’s business. It can improve a wide range of risk…

A Coup Against Flu?
Dominic Smith
Dominic Smith September 10, 2015

Recent articles from two separate research groups published in Science and Nature Medicine report major breakthroughs in flu vaccine research…

Understanding the Principles of Earthquake Model...
Callum Higgins
Callum Higgins September 03, 2015

The 1999 Athens Earthquake occurred on September 7, 1999, registering a moment-magnitude of 6.0 (USGS). The tremor’s epicenter was located…

Salafi-Jihadists and Chemical, Biological, Radio...
Weimeng Yeo
Weimeng Yeo August 24, 2015

Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) weapons attacks constitute a sizeable portion of the terrorism risk confronting the…

Coastal Flood: Rising Risk in New Orleans and Be...
Paul Wilson
Paul Wilson August 20, 2015

As we come up on the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, a lot of the focus is on New Orleans. But while New Orleans is far from being…

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