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Examining the European Windstorm Outlook This Wi...
The 2020–21 European windstorm season kicked off with Storm Alex in early October as a microcosm of this century so far, promising great winds…
North American Wildfires: Fighting Back with Mit...
The wildfire season has already been intense, with over 15,000 structures either damaged or destroyed in Western U.S. wildfires and over four…
Democratizing Risk Data: How to Help Your Frontl...
Underwriters are on the front line of insurance; they make the go/no-go decisions on whether new risks will arrive in the portfolio. Given the…
New Strategies Needed to Manage Mortgage Default...
In the early hours of January 17, 1994, a Mw6.7 earthquake struck northwestern Los Angeles, causing 57 fatalities and up to US$40 billion of…
Three is a Magic Number: RMS Wins Risk Modeling ...
Many RMS colleagues attended the recent Reactions North America Awards 2020, admirably hosted by Shawn Moynihan, the magazine’s Editor-in-…
U.S. Flood: Why Is Flood Insurance Take-Up So Low?
Surveys suggest that 91 percent of American homeowners purchase insurance, but when it comes to flood risk the story could not be more…