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Insurance Solutions

Formerly Moody’s RMS

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Risk Analytics – Managing “Business as Usual” an...
Piyush Zutshi
Piyush Zutshi May 06, 2020

Business Continuity - A Work In Progress The insurance industry, like many others, is trying to keep moving forward with business as usual…

Twenty-First Century Pandemic Risk Management
Robert Muir-Wood
Robert Muir-Wood May 06, 2020

The tactics of warfare are learned on the latest field of battle. The same is true for the management of pandemics, where defensive measures…

Recognizing 2020 GSC Updates Within the RMS Cana...
Emel Seyhan and Jessica Velasquez May 04, 2020

The Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) has recently released their sixth generation Seismic Hazard Model for the National Building Code of…

Portfolio Management in an Evolving World
Shaheen Razzaq
Shaheen Razzaq May 04, 2020

If the last year has taught us anything it’s that we are currently living in a climate of constant catastrophe. Businesses again have an…

Risk Modeler 2.0: Commitment to Building the Ult...
Alisha Fazo
Alisha Fazo May 03, 2020

The transformation of large, complex, and monolithic applications to a cloud microservices architecture is no easy feat. The launch of Risk…

High-Definition Modeling: A Game Changer for Cat...
Chesley Williams
Chesley Williams May 01, 2020

The RMS high-definition (HD) models are the latest generation of the RMS probabilistic modeling suite, incorporating features that allow…

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