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From Insurance Data Management to Data Enlighten...
This RMS article was previously published in Property Casualty 360 The effective use of data is so important to every insurance business —…
Australia Earthquake Hazard: Now Reduced by Up t...
On October 18, 2018, Geoscience Australia (GA) released its latest view of earthquake hazard for Australia. A headline finding from the 2018…
“We Can’t Control the Catastrophic Events. But W...
Join our upcoming webinar and learn about risk modeling best practices from RMS Analytical Services Standard and Poors (S&P) has been…
Hurricane Michael Field Reconnaissance: Contrast...
Peter Datin, Director, Model Development, RMS Derek Stedman, Lead Modeler, RMS Holly Widen, Product Manager, RMS Introduction Hurricane…
What’s the Outlook for Europe Windstorm Activity...
With annual windstorm losses in Europe ranging from a couple of hundred million to tens of billions of Euros, it is no wonder the insurance…
2018 North Atlantic Hurricane Season: Where Are ...
In the last month or so, two significant North Atlantic hurricane events have brought the latter half of the current hurricane season into…