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Insurance Solutions

Formerly Moody’s RMS

The future of portfolio management

ExposureIQ™ is an exposure management application that makes organization-wide risk exposure management and event response faster and more accurate for better informed decision-making.  

Maximize profitability

Advanced portfolio-level reporting helps you write business closer to your risk threshold.

Strengthen decision-making

Run accumulations across insurance and reinsurance portfolios to identify drivers of loss faster.

Respond faster to catastrophe events

Leverage real-time insights through integration with Moody's RMS Event Response and HWind.

Comprehensive exposure management

An Exposure Manager’s job isn’t done once they’ve balanced their portfolio. At any moment, a catastrophe event can strike, requiring them to support time-sensitive event response operations, like portfolio reporting, and deployment of claims adjusters. Let’s look at how ExposureIQ helps Exposure Managers succeed in the role today and in the future:

sand dunes
planning-for-future Created with Sketch.

Day-to-day responsibilities

climate-change-regulation Created with Sketch.

Leading up to an event

During an event

Following an event

Sustainable underwriting

ExposureIQ makes organization-wide portfolio management possible by supporting roll ups across both insurance and reinsurance portfolios in one application, and the robust financial model means complex inwards and outwards reinsurance structures can be applied for a true net of reinsurance view right up to the group level. The in-app dashboard and map allows you to then quickly visualize and report on global exposure concentrations and hotspots.

Integrated with ExposureIQ, Moody's RMS HWind provides forecasting products up to 5-days before landfall including seven weighted track scenarios, wind and storm surge footprints, and wind probability analytics updated six times daily.

Every HWind forecast update is instantly made available in ExposureIQ, enabling you to overlay the data onto your portfolio to identify areas and locations most at risk, the associated potential losses and to better inform preparation strategies.

Moody's RMS Event Response footprints and six-hourly HWind snapshots and cumulative wind field footprints are instantly made available for portfolio analysis in ExposureIQ, without the need for manual uploads.

Quantify the potential hazard and loss impacts to your portfolio, produce frequent updates for key stakeholders and anticipate the volume of claims for effective deployment of claims adjusters.

Moody's RMS Global Event Response and HWind footprints are automatically uploaded to ExposureIQ as soon as they become available following an event.

Historical event footprints remain accessible to use on ExposureIQ to help you validate historical claims and loss experience for custom or internal views of risk or to improve event response processes for future events.

With growing societal, governmental, and consumer attention on environmental, social, and governance (ESG), the insurance industry is just beginning to understand how it effects everyday business operations. 

ExposureIQ seamlessly incorporates ESG analytics into portfolio and exposure management workflows to improve their risk selection, enhance reporting capabilities, and increase differentiation with new and innovative product offerings.


Operationalize ESG analytics

As the leading provider of expertise, science, and technology in integrated risk for the insurance industry, Moody’s can help P&C insurers embed industry-leading ESG analytics into their business to help them grow while meeting sustainability commitments and establishing industry leadership. ESG analytics are integrated with ExposureIQ for advanced analysis of the impact of ESG factors on your underwriting and portfolio management decisions.

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Get near real-time insights into your event response process faster

Before, during, and after a catastrophic event, senior managers, company boards, and regulators demand to be kept informed of the potential impact to the business.  Exposure Managers are expected to deliver real-time insights on the areas most severely impacted, to understand the potential portfolio losses and to provide guidance on where to deploy claims adjusters and the anticipated volume of claims.
However, the insights needed to make these decisions can be challenging and time-consuming to process with critical event information and data pouring in from multiple sources.


Industry-leading Moody's RMS HWind and Event Response services are fully integrated with ExposureIQ ensuring customers gain access to around-the-clock insights before, during, and after an event. HWind forecasts, snapshots, and Event Response footprints are uploaded to ExposureIQ the moment they become available, removing the time-consuming manual processes required for other solutions.

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Enhanced Risk Data (future availability)

As a leading provider of probabilistic modelling solutions for the insurance industry, Moody’s is uniquely positioned to provide robust and comprehensive data and analytics that facilitate deeper exposure management insights. The Enhanced Risk Data within Exposure IQ will provide users with a means to add an additional dimension and combine the understanding of geographic exposure concentrations with rich scientific hazard data and risk scoring metrics that help to enable exposure managers to understand the materiality of those concentrations against all major catastrophe perils.

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Exposure Management

Exposure management application: Buyer’s guide

With so many exposure management tools on the market, it can be challenging to decide which solution best fits your needs. The Moody's Exposure Management Application buyer’s guide can help you ask the right questions so that you can start producing greater insights, discovering new growth opportunities, and minimizing surprises.

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Customer success stories

Frequently asked questions

What are some of the benefits of a cloud-native architecture for exposure management?

As a cloud-native exposure management application, ExposureIQ has the power and performance to run accumulations on billions of locations and thousands of cedants, empowering you to quickly generate organization-wide views of exposure.

Hosted on the cloud, ExposureIQ requires no hardware or maintenance. Instead, software updates are automatically uploaded with no downtime for the customer, and feature and product enhancements are released as regularly as every 2 weeks. In addition, packages are based on the number of locations you anticipate running each month and can quickly be upgraded on the same day if you end up needing to run more than expected, providing you with the capacity and the flexibility when you need it.

And as part of the Intelligent Risk Platform, ExposureIQ is integrated with all other applications on the platform including Risk Modeler allowing for seamless sharing of exposure data and consistencies such as using the same geocoding engine.

How does ExposureIQ work alongside other applications on the Intelligent Risk Platform?

The open and modular Intelligent Risk Platform delivers unified risk analytics through a trusted data repository, collaborative applications, open APIs, and tools to leverage existing RiskLink integrations.

Exposure is shared across the applications to ensure that everyone – from portfolio manager to underwriter and modeler – have access to the same set of data. For example, when a database is created in ExposureIQ it is instantly accessible in Risk Modeler and vice versa. ExposureIQ and TreatyIQ also share program and business hierarchy data, so that when users create a program in TreatyIQ for pricing analysis, it is available within the business hierarchy for accumulation roll up in ExposureIQ. 

Intelligent Risk Platform

Supporting consistent and trusted data, a unified view of risk, and collaborative applications.

Risk Modeler

Unifies all your risk modeling needs for greater workload and cost efficiency.

Risk Modeler


Delivers advanced risk, profit, and marginal impact insights directly to underwriters for customizable pricing.

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