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Insurance Solutions

Formerly Moody’s RMS

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Financing Resilience
Daniel Stander
Daniel Stander November 13, 2018

Almost one and a half million people have died in natural disasters over the past 20 years. This is a waste of life; a waste of potential.…

Enter the Centre
Daniel Stander
Daniel Stander April 16, 2018

On July 8 last year, the U.K. Prime Minister, Theresa May, announced her intention to establish the Centre for Global Disaster Protection.…

Rebuilding Nepal: Part Two
Alastair Norris January 18, 2018

Working with Build Change, an earthquake engineering charity and RMS philanthropic partner, and seeing their work alongside other NGOs all…

The Role of Catastrophe Risk Finance in Developi...
Daniel Stander
Daniel Stander July 24, 2017

We all know that prevention is better than cure. Trouble is, sometimes you catch a cold. And if you’re already vulnerable, a relatively small…

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