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Insurance Solutions

Formerly Moody’s RMS

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Moody’s RMS North Atlantic Hurricane Models: Fiv...
Julie Serakos , jeff waters
Julie Serakos September 27, 2023

Earlier in 2023, Moody’s RMS® released a new version (Version 23) of its North Atlantic Hurricane (NAHU) Models. This model suite was released…

Moody’s RMS Global Flood Data and Maps: Enhancem...
Oliver Smith
Oliver Smith September 15, 2023

It has long been a Moody’s RMS goal to help clients assess flood risk globally, a goal realized in the fall of 2021 with the first version of…

From Severe Drought to Severe Flood: Italy Hit H...
Daniel Bernet
Daniel Bernet June 19, 2023

After severe drought conditions in Italy which can be traced back over the last two years, and the country recording its hottest year in 2022…

Getting the Latest Complete View of U.S. Flood R...
Firas Saleh
Firas Saleh June 13, 2023

The increasing frequency and intensity of floods in the U.S. over recent years have highlighted the need for holistic risk management…

Auckland’s Wettest Day: New Zealand’s Largest Ci...
Steffi Uhlemann-Elmer , James Cosgrove
Steffi Uhlemann-Elmer February 02, 2023

Just weeks after California experienced some of its most devastating floods on record, New Zealand was left counting the cost of significant…

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